Here’s to the Boys

I’m exhausted after a day at the Louvre and an evening out (just me and Suzie) in the Marais, all of which will be described in a later post. But I wanted to share a picture of the boys on a street we happened across during our search for a good lunch spot: Rue des Bons Enfants. Street of the Good Children. (I think this was a bit of a joke, since this street was right in front of a police station.)

Anyway, Suzie and I agreed this evening that although they’ve had their moments, Will and Andrew mostly have been great on this trip. Even today, a long long day at a museum, they were well-behaved and genuinely interested (I got them sucked into a find-the-oldest-thing-in-the-museum game, which was won by finding Mesopotamian (sp?, sorry, long day) artifacts that were 10,000 years old.

So here they are…deux bons enfants on the Rue des Bons Enfants. Thank you boys!

Categories: Travel -- France

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