Last Blog in Paris

Well, this is it, we are down to our last 10 hours or so. We have to get up at 5 am tomorrow to get to the airport. We are mostly packed and ready.

It rained pretty consistently this morning, and we thought that would keep us in all day, but it let up about 11, and we took the Metro to the Montparnasse area and walked around a bit and then had another great lunch, after which we walked from Montparnasse to the Tour Eiffel along the 82 bus route (thinking that if it started pouring again, we could sit at a bus stop and take the bus home). It never did rain again, though, and we completed our walk and then took the bus home.

Afterward, Suzie and I took our last trip into Paris proper to exchange an item at Au Printemps. As a goodbye to Paris we had drinks at the terrace restaurant at the top of the store. The sky was magnificently dramatic, dark gray and light gray and white bands, with a few holes of blue, marching across the Paris skyline. We watched a Swedish family with two boys our age have exactly the same experiences we have with our boys. We then took the Metro home.

I have enjoyed doing this blog very much. It was reinvigorated my love of writing. Some famous writer once said that the most important action a writer takes is putting his or her butt in the chair … meaning that just starting, just doing, is the key. I’m tempted to keep the blog up when I get home, but I sense that the press of life generally will get in the way. I don’t know how can I work, do chores, help with homework, practice guitar, continue learning French (oui, certainement, pour la prochaine visite), etc., etc., and find time to write much in a blog. But we will see. It has been fun. I hope you all have enjoyed it as much as I have. And now, for a guest blogger….

Categories: Travel -- France

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