The Jet Lag Diet — A Success

Before the trip to Paris, Suzie and I both tried the Jet Lag Diet, which involves alternate days of “feasting” and “fasting” and timing the intake of protein and carbohydrates so as to effect a “reset” of the body’s clock to the time zone to which you are travelling. As noted here, the fast days are pretty brutal, but one of us (Steve) had great success with the diet … relatively little jet lag upon arrival in Paris. (The positive impact on Suzie was less; she had trouble sleeping several nights and took about a week to get totally back in synch.)

I couldn’t bring myself to have any “fast” days in Paris, and so bagged the Jet Lag Diet on the way back. I had read and been told that jet lag is less of a problem for east-to-west travel, but jet lag hit me in a major way coming back to Sonoma County. My conclusion from this experience is that the Jet Lag Diet really works, at least for some, and is worth the effort, at least at the beginning of a trip.

Categories: Travel -- France

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