Long Hot Day

We made it to Le Sappey en Chartreuse after a long, long day of hot travel. Everything was hot: the air conditioning on the flight to London wasn’t working right, we had a three-hour layover in a mostly unairconditioned Heathrow Airport that included three long, long waits in what were (logically) unnecessary lines, a long hot wait in Lyon to go through passport control, it took a long wait for the bus to the parking lot and then a long walk through the parking lot to find the car (I had gotten off at the wrong stop), and it was about 95 degrees in Lyon;

But … other than that, we had a good trip. The flights were all on time, and Suzie had decided to take a limo to the airport, instead of the Airporter (not that much more really), and the company screwed up and had to have another company fill in, and all they had available was a huge stretch limo, which we got to ride to the airport. What a treat; it felt like cheating.

We just got up this morning. It is stunning here. We are staying in a large, old alpine chalet in a very small village up a narrow winding road in the mountains about 15 minutes from Grenoble. We will probably check out the village and the nearby town, get some groceries, maybe go into Grenoble. More to come. Pictures follow (click on the links for larger versions: The boys and the limo; Andrew at Heathrow (we all felt the way he looked); and the view from our back deck.

We love France.

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Categories: Travel -- France

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