Food Photos

My sister-in-law Yvette has requested some pictures of food we’ve had. I haven’t taken many pictures of food, it seeming odd to me to aim the camera at a plate, but it turns out I do have three, one of a salad plate Suzie got one evening, one of the dark pancake-type thing filled with ham, cheese, and egg, whose name I now forget, and one of two sweets.

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Were off this morning to visit some friends of a friend of Yvette (Florence) near Lyon. We may spend the night, so there may be no entries for a couple of days.

For as good as French TV can be at times, Saturday morning is a wasteland. Of the six channels we get, three are cartoons, one is a shopping network, one is a call-in-answer-correctly-and-win-money game, and one is a combination of the last two. Bleh. We have, however, become somewhat hooked on a game show called Cresus, which features, oddly enough, both a host and a huge animated skull/skeleton dressed in a suit and tie that appears on and gives funny commentary from a huge screen behind the contestants. We like the show because the questions are written on the screen, so we actually have a chance at answering them.

Categories: Travel -- France

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