Raw Weather

We’ve had this week some of the nastiest, rawest weather I can remember in Sonoma County — four days of consecutively colder wet, windy, blustery, raw days. Yesterday while driving to work in a wind-whipped downpour (big drops that seemed to have semi-solid cores), the temperature gauge in my car said 34 degrees. Now I know Midwesterners and Easterners may laugh at that, but having lived both places, I can tell you I much prefer snow at 20 degrees to bone-chilling rain at 34 degrees.

But today, the storms finally passed through, and the day was sunny. It was foggy in the valley, but at the top of our little hill, the sun was shining brightly, and I was graced with exceptional views of higher snow-covered hills. Not an unheard of occurrence, but rare enough to be somewhat noteworthy. It looked like this — another photo is here.

Sonoma Snow #2

Categories: Sonoma County, Weather

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