Another Blast from the Past

Yet another old picture, this one of me and my college roommate, Scott Honsey, and his wife Julie, in Des Moines in 1981 at my friend Boyd’s second wedding:

SSS and Honseys 1981 (by SSShupe)

This took place in the winter of 81-82, and I drove to Des Moines from Ithaca with my girlfriend Nancy in my very deficient 1976 VW Dasher (remember those?), leaving in the early evening and driving all night. Nancy was driving when we hit I-90, and just west of Erie we hit a huge lake effect snow squall, and, on very slick icy pavement, Nancy hit the brakes too hard, and we ended up skidding, in the dead of night, into the median of I-90 into snow deeper than the car’s doors. It took us a good while before we had some kind souls stop and give us a push back onto the freeway (it was way beyond my and Nancy’s capabilities to push the car out of the snow, what with one of us having to steer). I lost my temper with her for driving us into the median, which I still regret, since it could have happened to anyone. I was feistier in those days, to put it kindly. We did eventually make it to Des Moines (as evidenced by the photo) and had a good time, and took lots of other memorable trips together in the Dasher, although the relationship didn’t last long-term, for reasons that shall remain unblogged, in part because it’s such a sad, sad story, and in part because I’ve never exactly figured out what happened, my understanding of things at that young age being imperfect and limited (and not much better now).

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