Wild Day in Wrigley Field

We saw the Giants-Cubs game yesterday at Wrigley Field, a wild game that featured radical weather changes, the Giants giving away runs like a Little League team (at least 4 Cubs runs scored that shouldn’t have, the difference in the ball game), two Barry Bonds homers (one crushed out of the park, the second to almost-dead center against a ferocious wind), but with the same old result, a 9-8 Giants loss. Before the game the boys and I took the CTA train downtown and walked around a bit, then took the Red Line north to Wrigley Field. I had sprung for really good seats, which were a treat, and Will managed to get a ball autographed by Barry Zito before the game. Some pictures and commentary, starting with the boys downtown:

The famous Wrigley Field sign:

Here’s a memorable picture. Before Bond’s first at bat, he was viciously booed. He stepped into the batter’s box, cocked his bat back and forth a few times, and absolutely crushed the first pitch over the right field bleachers. As luck would have it, I got a picture of the shot. Not too shabby for an amateur (photographer that is):

The boys in Wrigley (thank you Yvette for the foam fingers, maybe they’ll work tonight in Milwaukee):

The larger view from our seats:

Almost without exception, all of the Cubs fans we met were friendly and helpful. And boy, do they love their Cubbies … way beyond what Giant’s fans show their team.

Finally, because this trip has consisted of a lot (and I mean a lot) of driving, a picture of one of our stops, because this will remind me of this vacation as much as anything:

Categories: Kids, Travel -- General

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