Candidate Changed

Reflecting on Hillary Clinton’s close victory in the New Hampshire primary, it seems that amidst all the talk of who was the “candidate of change,” it was a change in Ms. Clinton as a candidate that may have made the difference. From her showing at least a little sense of humor during the debates (“Well that hurts my feelings“), to her greater accessibility to reporters, to her much-commented upon emotional moment on Monday that made the difference for her. Calculated? Perhaps … but so what? For years we’ve heard that she is charming and engaging in person, and if that’s true, it’s hardly foul play for her to use that to her advantage.

The idea of her as President still doesn’t sit well with me; every time I see Bloated Bill on stage with her, all I can think of is, ‘Please, not this return to the past, please not these same old battles again.” But perhaps she can convince me, and others, that she can truly effect change. Changing herself is a good start.

Categories: Politics


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