What’s the World Coming To? Agreeing with Frank Rich

It’s getting scary for me, finding myself in agreement Frank Rich. But his column today in the New York Times, beautifully titled "The Billary Road to Republican Victory," pretty much says what I’ve been thinking, as does, frankly, almost everything I’ve read today. Among the best: Joe Klein and Vaughn Ververs on Big Bloated Bill’s well-deserved smackdown in South Carolina.

Somehow the last week brings back a irritating memory I have of Bill Clinton, on the day of George W. Bush’s inauguration in January 2001. Rather than politely cede the day to the new President, Bill had to give a long winded, smarmy, self-congratulatory speech on his way out of town. The memory of which leads to the question — was Big Bloated Bill’s performance last week in South Carolina really the result of a conscious tactical decision by Hillary Clinton’s campaign, or simply ego run amok?

Categories: Politics

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