“Casse toi alors pauvre con”

Meanwhile in France, Le President de la Republique, Nicolas Sarkozy, continues his post-Carla Bruni meltdown. The latest … during a trip to an agricultural exposition in Paris, Mr. Sarkozy had a few, um, unkind words to say to a man whose hand he tried to shake who was, to put it mildly, obviously not a Sarkozy supporter (bad translation mine):

Man: “Don’t touch me”
Sarkozy: “Piss off”
Man: “You make me dirty”
Sarkozy: “Piss off then, dumb ass.”

Now on the one hand, part of me would love to see an American president be so out there. Hell, I might even reconsider Hillary if she threw out a couple of “piss off, dumb ass” comments on the campaign trail. On the other hand, Sarkozy’s Presidency seems to be in a dive, as noted here, with his hasty marriage to Carla Bruni, the reports of his attempts to woo his former wife back, his lawsuits against the press, and now this. New polls show his approval ratings way down (only a third of the French electorate approves of him, way, way below his Prime Minister, Francois Fillon, who with an approval rating of 55% seems to be benefitting more than anyone from his decline). Plus the lead story on French TV news the past few evenings has been the rising price of food in France. I’d say the honeymoon (with the voters, but hopefully not with Carla) is over.

Categories: France, Politics

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