No Grace, No Perspective, No Class, No Clue

I have watched with fascination and repulsion as Hillary Clinton and her smarmy, thug-like spokesmen (yes, men; don’t you think it’s odd that all of her main mouthpieces are men?) continue to fight on and on and on in a cause that is almost certainly lost, apparently content to risk harming the Democrats ultimate nominee for an increasingly tiny chance at victory.  If it wasn’t clear before, it is now … what is important to Hillary Clinton is Hillary Clinton, nothing else — not the party, not the country.

Everything about her that caused me to support Obama has been on vivid display the past few weeks.  Worst is the thought of those insufferable mouthpieces in her inner circle — from “say anything” Terry McAullife, to Lanny (“Common Man”) Davis (who provided one of the highlights of the entire campaign so far, sitting in a tailored Wall-Street black pin-stripped suit during an interview, bitter and argumentative and claiming that Hillary is one of the common folk), to Harold Ickes, whose whining, profane speech during the DNC Rules Committee meeting on Saturday revealed all you need to know about the fundamental nature of Hillary’s inner circle — worst is the thought of these men running the government should Hillary be elected.  Their failure to accept reality, their failure to understand that some things are more important than winning, their willingness to treat facts as malleable things that should be ignored or morphed when it suits present needs, their willingness to engage in the classic “big lie” strategy (say it enough times and people will believe it) — well, does that remind you of any other recent president?  And oh, by the way, screwing up the single biggest thing she’s ever had to manage (her campaign), does that sound like any other recent president?

Watching the Hillary gang, I thought of a comment made by someone responding to Scott McClellan’s book about the Bush presidency, making the point that Bush treated the office of Press Secretary as an extension of his political apparatus, rather than as a way to let the public understand what the President was doing and thinking.  My thought was — is there any doubt that Hillary would treat the Press Secretary position in exactly the same way?  Can you imagine four years of watching McAullife, Davis, and Ickes spin and deceive?

But I digress — the real reason for this post was to link to this, first posted by the Firedoglake web site.  A Hillary supporter with no grace, no perspective, no class, no clue:

And this: Juvenile and silly, but I watched the whole thing.

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