Half Dead

We are finally in Belfast. I am feeling half dead. I got Suzie’s cold or flu or whatever and there’s nothing worse than traveling while very sick. Plus, even though we had planned to take a bus and cab from Dublin to Belfast, we got a deal on a rental car that made the trip cheaper, so I had to have my first experience driving on the left side of the road while sitting on the right side of the car while feeling completely spaced out. I kept saying, left, left, left, left, and it mostly worked, although I kept getting too close to things on the left side of the car, and for some reason never once looked in the rear view mirror (I always used the side ones). Perhaps the most difficult thing was that the car was a manual transmission, so that I had to shift with my left hand. At least the clutch, accelerator, and brake were in the proper order. If they had been reversed from their normal positions, it would have been too much. The traffic as OK until Belfast, except for a lot of construction (and narrow lanes), and we only made a couple of wrong turns, thanks to Suzie the super navigator.

I was so out of it I didn’t take any pictures (too sick to click), but I can tell you Ireland is everything you hear about it — lush and green with dramatic skies and hills. Our house is in a semi-rural residential area, very quiet and peaceful. I may just sleek for the next two days.

Be aware there is a problem with my internet connection here; I’m posting this by using the neighbor’s wireless network (is that a crime?). So I won’t be able to deal with work issues much until I can get that figured out.

Thanks to all you who have left comments. I hope you are all enjoying the blog as much as I am writing it. A bientot!

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