Another Slow, Rainy Day

I think we must all be feeing low on energy from our travels.  Today no one really wanted to leave the house, so we all just lounged around doing various things, and didn’t get out until after 1.  Suzie took the boys to the Zoo, which they say was very good, and I drove to a small commercial area and walked around.  And of course it rained again off and on, although it was warmer.  I only took a few pictures, one of them these.

Antrim Road, North Belfast

After picking up Suzie and the boys at the Zoo, we headed for a pub called McHugh’s that was supposed to have traditional Irish music from 3 to 6 in the afternoon.  Molly (we’ve named the Sat-Nav Lady now) gave mostly excellent directions, and there was a large parking garage a half-block from our destination.  We stayed there for about 45 minutes; only three people were performing (guitar, fiddle, and percussion) but the music was very satisfying.  We then set out for our pre-determined dinner spot, a seafood place recommended by our exchange partner, and I navigated us straight there without any assistance from Molly.  It was raining, and when we got to the place, we couldn’t get a table because we didn’t have a reservation, even though it was only a little after 5.  So we took off in the rain to another restaurant that the waitress in the first recommended as a replacement, but we couldn’t get in there because Suzie was wearing sneakers (one of the few times in our marriage when I was dressed better than her).  The next place we went to had stopped serving at 5.  Finally we found a pub/restaurant that was open, and we at an OK meal (Suzie and the boys said their dishes were excellent, but mine, Guinness and steak pie, which sounded great, but which turned out not to be a pie at all, and didn’t taste that great, and came with garlic chips that were soggy and not crispy enough) at a too-high price.  Then out, in the rain again, and home.

Tomorrow morning we are leaving early for Donagal, and won’t return until late Monday, so the blog will be on a short hiatus.

Categories: Travel -- Ireland

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