Surf City Ireland

We’ve had a great day today.   We were up and out (relatively) early, made a quick-seeming traffic-free drive to Derry, where we walked around the city walls, ate lunch, got cheap and delicious hot chocolates, tea, and latte at, of all places, a McDonalds in a modern mall right outside the old city walls (it was the only place open at 11:30 a.m. on Sunday morning).  From there, we had a gorgeous (if windy and sometimes showery) drive from Derry to Donegal, where we walked around the city awhile, ….

…. wooooaaaaahhhh, Spain just scored against Germany in the Euro 2008 final, and is up 1-0 in the 35th minute….

…. anyway, we walked around Donegal awhile, had some tea, then drove on to our ultimate destination, Bundoran.  What a funny, odd, wonderful town.  It’s a total beach town, situated in a perfectly beautiful setting that is somewhat like the Sonoma Coast.  We are staying in the Bundoran Surf Lodge, a funky little 5-room lodging next to the Bundoran Surf Shop.  Cute, funky place; we are now sitting in the downstairs common room watching the Euro 2008 final (as you may have guessed).  Very comfortable, and with a computer and internet access, what’s not to like.

Of course, after my prior post, every single person we’ve met today has been absolutely charming, helpful, and friendly.  The surfer-dudes in the Surf Lodge are a kick, with their SoCal style and their strong Irish accents.  Suzie and I took a windy walk on the bluffs above the beach, then we all ate a surprisingly delicious and inexpensive dinner at a coffee and sandwich shop just down the street,  with a friendly owner who threw in an extra scone when we ordered two to go. 

We’re also happy to be back in the land of the Euro.  Things seem slightly less expensive here than in Northern Ireland (and gas is significantly less).

It’s the half and Andrew wants to take a walk down the main street, so I’ll sign off now.  Surf on, dude.

Categories: Travel -- Ireland


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