Pictures Added

Pictures from yesterday have been added. It is 9:30 in the morning and we are still just getting awake. It is going to take us awhile to get used to the city sounds, especially the ambulances and police cars, which go by at 10-minute intervals, with their European siren sound, a little like a donkey (heeee [high] haaaaaaa [lower], heeeee – haaaaaa). But very early in the morning, at 2 or 3 or so, I woke up and listened to the sound of the city silent. Like a dream.

We have a lot to do today. Our three boxes of other stuff need to get delivered (and then carried up to the 6th floor, ugh), we need more groceries, Metro passes, and portable phones, the cable TV isn’t working (I’m tempted to leave it broken, however). It is beautiful weather here, mid-70s and sunny today. It is like we went from winter to summer all at once.

More as it comes. Happy 4th everyone.

Categories: Travel -- France

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