A Quick Morning Post and Pictures

Waiting for the coffee to kick in, here’s the report from Sunday.

We slept in and lounged around in the morning, then gave the apartment a thorough cleaning, which it badly needed.  Suzie then took the boys and Fernando back to the Pariskate facility.  We met up again about 4 at the St. Placide Metro stop near Montparnasse.  One of the best things about Paris (especially for someone like me, who likes to take pictures) is that it is picturesque almost everywhere you happen to find yourself, as evidenced by this random street scene before me while waiting for Suzie:

View down Rue de Vaugirard

After we met, we had some tea and a pastry called a … well, I forget, but it was delicious, sort of like angel food cake but not quite as sweet, and with a stronger, nutty flavor.  We then decided, for no reason, to take a bus to the Etoile, which entailed a nice, scenic 15-minute ride, and which deposited us at this scene, one of my favorites in Paris:

SSS at the Arc de Triomphe

From the Etoile we walked down the Champs Elysees, through a large festive crowd partaking of over-priced food and shopping in over-priced stores.

Champs Elysees

We only went in one store, a Toyota showroom obviously made to draw in tourists, as in the entrance was this very cool new convertible concept car.

Toyota Concept Car

More happened this day, but I’ve got to get going to class, so I will finish up this post when I return.

Categories: Travel -- France


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