Another Trip Today

We are heading off this morning to some friends of Suzie’s father, who live in a little town called Cajarc, a couple of hours away. Our route today:

Yesterday we had a needed “off” day, where we just hung out at home, went for a long walk in the countryside, played tennis, swam, read, did laundry, ate a great improvised Suzie lunch (watermelon, cantaloupe, fresh just-picked tomatoes from the garden, fois gras [the grocery store brand, 3 euros for a small can, absolutely delicious], fresh baguette, two kinds of cheese, and sausage), blogged, and generally rested. Today is an absolutely gorgeous morning, with an almost-full moon hanging low in a dark blue sky, the air so perfectly clear that we can see the Pyrenees far to the south.

We are going to miss this place in Aigrefeuille. I wasn’t going to post the following, but for the sake of the misguided cat-lovers out there (you know who you are…), I give you a picture of Suzie and our housemate Reglisse, along with a very cute video my son Andrew made (excuse the burp half-way through, it’s him, not me). The video gives some sense of the place we’re staying, but mostly it is about the cat.

Suzie and Reglisse

Categories: Travel -- France

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