The “Lost” Posts….

I’m sitting in the cafeteria (actually, the so-called “cyber-cafe” portion) of the Alliance Francaise in Paris, having the goal in mind of seeing how much I can write in two and one-half hours. I apologize for the recent absence of posts to anyone who is missing them. Primarily that’s been because I’ve been focusing on trying to improve my French, and to do that I have to study and also write in French (usually to classmates I’ve met who have gone back to their native countries). I suppose I could post portions of those, but despite my attempts to be meticulous I’m sure they are full of errors, and I’d hate to have someone in California dis my French.

Before getting to the “lost” posts, an update on current goings on. I have finally found a truly excellent French teacher. This woman (her name is Anne-Marie) is almost perfect, in my opinion. I’ve had classes where there was a lot of dead time, but in this class it is four hours of constant information and instruction, at exactly the right level for me and, it seems, for the other students in the class. The only downside (and I don’t really consider it one) is that I am often exhausted after the class, as there’s not really any time available to let your mind drift off for a mini-rest.  Plus I am now at a level where the vocabulary is more difficult and we’re actually dealing with the nuances of the language, which I find incredibly interesting.

As I think I’ve mentioned earlier, there is something incredibly rewarding about learning a new language. I was coming home on the Metro earlier today and thinking how remarkable it is that I can sit for four hours and pretty much understand everything that’s being said in French. Admittedly, the teacher is speaking so as to be understood by her students, but still … it’s cool to be able to sit and listen and understand (seemingly without consciously translating into English) and I have to believe the exercise is helping to preserve some neurons upstairs and perhaps even to forge new connections among them which, I hope, will keep my cinquante-plus brain lithe and youthful for at least a little while longer.

And now, those “lost” posts….

Categories: France, Travel -- France


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