Walking a Little Taller, Feeling a Lot Prouder

Our internet connection was down today, and I was operating on 3 hours sleep, so the complete post of our amazing, wonderful election night in Paris (including goofy and wonderful video) will have to wait until tomorrow.  But I will tell you that I was very, very proud to be an American today.  I can tell you that the French view of America and Americans has changed. I can tell you that people ask where they can get an Obama pin like mine.  I can tell you that the French are now having to take a little closer look at themselves.  I can tell you that I feel like I’ve miraculously gone in a single day from being the representative of “W” himself (here, akin to being the envoy of the devil himself) to being the representative of a President-Elect Obama himself.  A nice change; that “W” cloud was a drag.  And before I retire to sleep, I will remind everyone of where it all started … yes, that’s right, that grand little state in the dead middle of the country, my old home, Iowa, of which I’m also unreasonably proud right now.  Hoo-ray for the U.S.A.

Categories: Travel -- France

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