Poisson d’Avril Excellent!

Sur France 2, cette émission m’a bien eu!  Je l’ai regardé le premier avril avec ma femme, et je l’ai dit, “je me demandais souvent si les éoliennes pourraient ralentir la rotation de la terre.”  J’ai vraiment cru cette emission!  Mais aujourd’hui je découvre qu’elle était un “poisson d’avril.”  Heursement, je ne suis pas seul … regardez le 114 commentaires ici.

Bien fait France 2!

This report on France 2 (scroll down for the video) totally fooled me on April 1.  It’s a news report about studies showing that windmills have the unintended effect of slowing down the Earth’s rotation.  Presented in a completely straight-faced style, it apparently fooled many more people than me, as evidenced by the 114 commentaries to this post.  When I saw the report, I said to my wife, “I’ve always wondered whether windmills would slow down the Earth’s rotation,” and I kept looking in the press for stories about this … until today, when I finally did a search on Google, only to discover, to my horror, that I’d been duped.

Well done, France 2!

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