What Vlad Knows

It’s now almost a certainty that Russia is attempting to influence the U.S. Presidential election by leaking stolen/hacked emails from John Podesta, Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager. And it’s evident who Russia wants to win the election: Donald Trump.

Before pulling the lever, or filling in the bubble, or marking an “x” on the ballot for Trump, every Trump supporter ought to take a good long while to ask, “Why?” Why is it that Vladimir Putin wants a President Trump and not a President Clinton?

Clinton had an opportunity during the debates to answer this question, but having committed to the Putin-Trump “bromance” meme, she whiffed, saying Putin wanted to install his puppet in the White House. (Leading to that highlight of Presidential debate discourse: “You’re a puppet. No you’re the puppet.”)

But Clinton is wrong. Putin may be an authoritarian, anti-civil rights, anti-free-press, kill-and-imprison-your-rivals oligarch, but he’s smart and calculating man with no illusions. Putin knows Trump is about one thing and one thing only: Trump. Putin knows Trump is too unreliable, too unmoored to be useful as a puppet.

Vlad supports Trump for one reason: He knows that an America having Donald Trump as its President will be less of a threat to Russia than an America having Hillary Clinton as its President, an America less stable, an America more divided, an America furious, roiled, and error-prone.

Putin wants Trump to win. Now the question for Trump supporters: Do you think Putin supports Trump because Putin wants to Make America Great Again?

Think long and hard on that one, would-be Trump voters. Vlad knows the answer. Do you?

Categories: Politics, Uncategorized

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