Thank You for Your Kind/Sweet/Energizing Responses

I’ve been overwhelmed by the responses from everyone to my post. I hope that I can in time reach out to every one of you, one by one, to express my thanks and to touch base individually. Every single note touched me, whether from friends of 45-plus years or my newest co-workers. One more reminder that in spite of everything, I’m a lucky guy.

Suzie and I have our first big meeting this afternoon with our oncologist to discuss test results and treatment options; we should know a lot more afterwards. I’ve been so focused on getting out of the horrible pain of the past few weeks that it is just now hitting me that I’m facing something life-changing, something that can kill me much sooner than I want to go, something that’s going to require difficult, arduous, draining treatments to fight. While the pain is starting to slowly decline as a result of the radiation blasts, I just haven’t had the chance to even start to get my mind around what it is I’m facing.

Thank you all for your support, for your comments, for sticking with me, for reading these dribs and drabs. Knowing you are out there is a comfort.

Categories: SSS Health

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