Good News + Aloha

I received some good news from my oncologist today. The cytogenetic analysis of the cancer cells in my bone marrow came back with a “translocation” type that is generally considered to be associated with a good prognosis, which means that I’m likely going to be eligible for a stem cell transplant at the end of my chemo treatment, which gives me a chance to end up in a position afterwards where, if all goes well and I am understanding correctly, I could be cancer-free for some period of time (it being the case, though, that the multiple myeloma cells usually come back at some point, and have to be re-addressed through treatment when they do recur).

I’m all set up to start the first round of the chemo treament on 2/5. In the meantime, Suzie and I are taking advantage of the hospitality of our dear friends Scott and Julie Honsey, and joining them for three days on east (Hilo) side of the Big Island. We head to SFO right after my last radiation blast tomorrow morning, and return on late Saturday. A getaway before the hard part starts. A chance to float in warm salty water, take in the tropical lushness, perhaps visit the volcanoes, and spend time with good friends. Pics will be posted (from the smaller lenses, the new big guy won’t be making this trip). A bientôt!

Categories: Blogging

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