33.88 and 1.1

Today’s update is brought to you via two numbers: 33.88 and 1.1.

33.88 is the latest result from the “free Kappa light chain” blood test I take every three weeks. Because the abnormal plasma cells in my type of multiple myeloma produce an excess of what are called Kappa light chain proteins (which normally join with “heavy” protein chains to form immunoglobulins that fight infections), a measurement of the level of these “free” Kappa light chains in the blood is a marker for how many abnormal plasma cells I have in my bone marrow. Measuring the change in the amount of these free Kappa light chains shows how effective my treatment has been.

Since folks seemed to like my last chart, here’s another, showing the change in the test result over time:

Not too bad … the level has come down from 205.79 before I started treatment, to 33.88 at the last test. As noted, 3.3 – 19.4 is the normal range. If the decline resulting from the treatment continues as previously, I should be within the “normal” range after the fourth cycle of treatment. I’m not sure what happens then; I think I go on a “maintenance” dose of chemo to keep the multiple myeloma at bay until the stem cell transplant happens in late June.

The other number — 1.1 — was the length, in miles, that I walked yesterday afternoon, according to the GPS tracker on my phone. Not too impressive-sounding, I know, until you consider that three weeks ago I was walking with a cane, and my walks were limited to very short distances and durations. So to get over the mile mark is a big deal to me.

There are still a lot of down days, when the pain rears up, when the fatigue from the chemo makes me feel rotten and useless, when side effects from the pain meds are extremely unpleasant, when the fear of the upcoming stem cell procedure sneaks into my thoughts. I can feel right now that one of those is coming. I try to take those days in stride, to remember that they will pass, and that in general things are getting better — much more slowly than I’d like, but better nevertheless. I’m starting to feel more like myself again.

And it’s spring! The days are longer, the trees are greening out, flowers are in full bloom, the weather is sunnier and milder. A tonic by itself.

Continued thanks to all of my friends and colleagues, near and far, new and old, who have been so supportive and kind to me and Suzie as we’ve gone through this trial. (And a special thanks to all of you who have taken the time to cook such delicious meals for us through the MealTrain site.) I say it each time, but it means so much to us to know you are rooting for us and sending good thoughts our way. Keep ’em coming please.


Categories: SSS Health

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