Picture Problem Solved?

Since I’m well into my CS50 Computer Science class (fighting the good battle with C), I figured I ought to be able to solve the recurring problem I’ve had on my site of pictures not showing up in posts — an unacceptable situation given that posting pictures was one of my main reasons for creating the site in the first place. So I researched and took steps to correct the problem, and think I have it licked. But you’ll all be the judges of that.

Here are three pictures I took recently. Please vote in the poll and let me know — can you see them?

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San Francisco from Grizzly Peak Boulevard, 100 mm focal length:

San Francisco from Grizzly Peak 100mm

San Francisco from Grizzly Peak Boulevard, 400 mm focal length:

San Francisco from Grizzly Peak 400mm

Early evening view of Mount Tam and Richmond from the deck:


Categories: Blogging, Photography

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