Down and Up 867.6 Feet

I was feeling so good yesterday that I went on another bike ride, this one perhaps biting off more than I should have, going all the way from our house on Grizzly Peak to the Berkeley Marina, and back, 13.7 miles, which isn’t much distance, but, with 867.6 feet of elevation gain on the way back, is a lot for a guy who has been on a bike five times in the past year-plus.

Toward the Top of Spruce Street Heading Down
The SF Skyline at the Start of the Ride

The route (you can see it here) was down Spruce Street

Spruce Street Heading Down
Down Spruce Street, Steeper than it Looks

to Virginia, then down to the bike overcrossing on I-80 (where right in the middle of the span a woman was practicing meditation while the freeway traffic rumbled underneath, a meditation challenge!),

Bike Bridge Over I80
The bike overpass on I-80, a fine place to meditate?

then through the Marina to the farthest point, with a splendid view.

Berkeley Marina View with SF
SF and GGB from Berkeley Marina

The challenging part was getting back up Spruce Street hill. The elevation profile looks pretty daunting.

In fairness to me, given how little I’ve worked out and ridden in the past year, it wasn’t as bad as I expected. There were stretches south of Marin where the grade was just too much and I had to walk, but once past Marin I only got off one time (well two if you count the big, big rise right before Grizzly Peak flattens out just before our block).

And Hoo-Ray, the beast returned me safe, sound, and sweaty.

Whew Made It

Humor me folks on this one post, I can’t tell you how great it was to be out there rolling again, feeling good, exerting. Here’s hoping it keeps up this way for a long long time.

Categories: Blogging

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