Photo Extravaganza!

Finally am in a place with wifi, and blazingly fast wifi at that. I uploaded a whole bunch of pictures that I couldn’t before, and organized them into albums for your viewing pleasure. So, in reverse chronological order:

Cajarc and Figeac:

Cajarc Figeac-16

La Roque Gageac, the beautiful picturesque town along the Dordogne, which was our base of operations for 6 days of visiting the Perigord Noir.

Cliffs and Houses at La Rogue-Gageac-3

The medieval town of Sarlat and environs, which we visited twice.

Sarlat Marché-2

The Jardins du Manoir d’Eyrignac, which we visited one day after lunching in Sarlat.

Jardins du Manoir d'Eyrignac-3

The medieval fortress of Beynac, high above the Dordogne.


The chateau/fortress of Castelnau, high above the Dordogne opposite from Beynac. One was captured by the English for a time, one always held out, now I can’t remember which.

Canoers and Castelnau

Les Jardins de Marqueyssac, of wild topiary and amazing views.

Les Jardins de Marqueyssac-23

Rocamador, a medieval city high, high on a hill. Touristy but splendidly amazing.


If that’s not enough, there are a few stragglers in my Flickr photostream, which is available here.


Categories: Blogging

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