Category: Election 2020

Footnotes for Facebook

In high school I took an advanced writing class, which required me to write a research paper of at least 10 double-spaced typewritten pages on a subject of my choosing (provided the instructor approved it). My paper was about the impact of nuclear power plants on aquatic life. The instructor required every factual statement in the paper to have a footnote identifying its source. Not only was this requirement a […]

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What if Trump Shot Someone on Fifth Avenue?

I went off on a friend (by now, probably an ex-friend) on Facebook about her unreasonable, unbreakable support for Trump. I had made the argument that Trump’s actions and inaction increased deaths from Covid-19. In particular, I argued (see if there’s a flaw here, I don’t think so): The more widespread the Covid-19 virus becomes, the more people will catch it. The more people that catch Covid-19, the more people […]

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How Can Trumpers Defend Sheer Incompetence?

I have a question for Trumpers: Setting aside all political differences, don’t you think we should have a federal government that is competent? Shouldn’t we have a federal government capable of good management? What if the coronavirus had hit during the Obama years, and this was the graph of how well the Obama Administration had done in fighting it — would you still think everything was hunky-dory, or would you be screaming your lungs out?

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Desecrating the Flag for Trump

Title 4, Section 8 of the United States Code — federal law — is titled "Respect for the Flag." Trump and his supporters make a big deal out of respect for what Trump calls "our GREAT AMERICAN FLAG" (no need to yell, lay off the Caps Lock button for God’s sake). Surely Trump supporters — who excoriate athletes who kneel during the national anthem to protest racism — wouldn’t do […]

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Loving Caring People

Laugh-my-ass-off quote from Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale today in Politico: Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale played down concerns of a confrontation [at Trump’s upcoming Tulsa rally]. “I’ve been here since day one, and I found all Trump supporters to be really caring, loving people that care about this country,” he told Fox News. As to protesters who might come to Tulsa, Parscale said: The protesters, he argued, “want that […]

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