Category: Photography

Playing Tourist

Yesterday I had to vacate the house for three hours for cleaning, so I decided to drive to San Francisco to take pictures and play tourist. First stop, Treasure Island, which I thought would be a good place to take shots of the SF Skyline. For those who don’t know, Treasure Island is an artificial island built on the north side of Yerba Buena Island, which is located in the […]

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Picture Problem Solved?

Since I’m well into my CS50 Computer Science class (fighting the good battle with C), I figured I ought to be able to solve the recurring problem I’ve had on my site of pictures not showing up in posts — an unacceptable situation given that posting pictures was one of my main reasons for creating the site in the first place. So I researched and took steps to correct the problem, […]

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Poking Around Outside Montpellier

When Suzie and I travel, we love to just poke around, sometimes going to places that aren’t perhaps on the top of the tourist to-do list, just to see what we might find there. Today was one of those poke-around days; we ended up in a place we’d never heard of when we started the day. The first stop was, in truth, on the tourist list: the Château de Flaugergues, a […]

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Grotte de Clamouse Photos

This was a once-in-a-lifetime experience, a visit to the Clamouse cave about an hour outside of Monpellier. Located on the side of a gorge cut by the River Heurault, the cave consists of a number of enormous interlocking chambers containing truly unbelievable geologic formations. Alien, stunning, totally unexpected, awe-inspiring. Click on the first picture to start a slideshow.

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Télé-Paris Picture Time!

I realize I haven’t posted any pictures since we returned to France, and since a picture is worth a thousand words (or perhaps worth even more than a thousand of my words), here are a few new ones.  As always, more are on my Flickr site. I carried my large telephoto lens all the way to Paris, but didn’t take it out of its case until just this week.  Don’t […]

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You Call this Art?!?

One of my hobbies (of sorts) is photography. Although I don’t seem to find the time to shoot enough, and am not particularly creative either, the advent of digital photography allows me to combine photography with my techo-nerd side. Two wonderful completely free programs for imaging are the GIMP and a GIMP plugin called Mathmap. GIMP is a sort of open-source Photoshop. Mathmap is a program that allows you to […]

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