Category: Sonoma County

Run! Run! Run!

Thanks to the technology of orthotic insoles and the wonderful, soft, cushioned, flat artificial soccer surface atSchopflin Fields, I’ve been able to start running again, after a layoff of about 15 years. Yes, it is true that it’s a slight stretch to call what I do “running,” but I am consistent if not very quick, and I do finish off with a series of sprints that get me going faster than […]

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Why I Don’t Conceal My Identity

There is a woman here in Sonoma County who transmits on Twitter various and sundry pieces of information and gossip (much of it presumably unconfirmed) about the local political scene.  Tweeting under the name “SRPolitics,” she has chosen to conceal her true name, taking as her on-line identity a photo of John F. Kennedy, for reasons that aren’t clear to me. My initial reaction to this was irritation.  Dealing in rumors […]

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Raw Weather

We’ve had this week some of the nastiest, rawest weather I can remember in Sonoma County — four days of consecutively colder wet, windy, blustery, raw days. Yesterday while driving to work in a wind-whipped downpour (big drops that seemed to have semi-solid cores), the temperature gauge in my car said 34 degrees. Now I know Midwesterners and Easterners may laugh at that, but having lived both places, I can […]

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