Category: Uncategorized

Bonne Citation Politique

C’est à Alain Minc, dans Le Point le 6 aout:  “Etre un libéral de gauche, c’est posseder un mauvaise chromosome, atypique dans l’ADN politique; c’est croire que l’intérêt général existe en dehors le marché, mais que l’Etat n’est pas l’expression naturelle et exclusive de cet intérêt général.” Je le crois aussi. Rough translation:  To be a conservative leftist is to possess a bad chromosome, unusual in political DNA; it’s believing […]

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Mordu par un Serpent

Il y a une expression en Anglais — “to be snakebitten” — qui veut dire mot à mot “être mordu par un serpent,” mais veut dire figurativement “avoir de malchance.”  Moi, je suis “snakebitten” cette semaine.  Ca commence par mon accident à velo. Puis hier soir, notre chienne Elsie, la plus mignon chienne du monde (regardez), a été mordue par un serpent à sonnette, qui est très dangereux à cause […]

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The Short Version

Friday was a beautiful day for a ride.  I rode into Santa Rosa, stopped downtown for a soda, then started home.  I was riding up Old Redwood Highway, wanting to get to my son’s Geometry class (the last of his difficult summer school session) before it ended, so I could surprise him.  I started to make a right-hand turn onto Angela Drive, but realized at the last second that I […]

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The Cost of Fear

Even the world’s best pros are so consumed with avoiding bogeys that they make putts for birdie discernibly less often than identical-length putts for par, according to a coming paper by two professors at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School. After analyzing laser-precise data on more than 1.6 million Tour putts, they estimated that this preference for avoiding a negative (bogey) more than gaining an equal positive (birdie) — known […]

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Mozilo Charged with Fraud

In 1997, I almost went to work for this man and his company. Some of my colleagues did go to work there. Now the company's gone under, and he's charged with fraud by the SEC. After my visit to his operation, I can't say that I'm surprised. It was a testosterone-infused money-money-money operation that left me feeling ill at ease. One time in my life when my gut instincts steered […]

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Our Last Day of Vacation

Well, yes, laugh on, laugh on, but the fact is that tomorrow we start our French classes, and have to be at the school at 8:15, which means no more sleeping in, and using our brains, and doing homework.  One of the most wonderful part of this trip has been getting all the sleep I want almost every day.  I’ve been contemplating the effect on my body of the fact […]

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Blog Stat Observation

The WordPress site has a limited suite of statistics you can see for your blog, including total views per day.  I’ve noticed that rather consistently the number of visits is consistently higher during the week, and drops off on the weekend.  To me this says that my readers are happy enough to take a look at my posts on work time, but not interested enough to fire up their own […]

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