Category: Uncategorized

Day Canceled on Account of Rain….

It’s rained off and on since we arrived in Ireland, but it’s never stopped us from doing anything until today. We had planned on driving back up the Antrim coast (we considered a trip to Derry/Londonderry, but decided the drive was too long. We started out a little before noon in a light drizzle/mist, which changed into a medium- and then a heavy drizzle/mist. We were searching for the cliffs […]

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Touring the Ards Peninsula

We had a fairly restful day touring yesterday. The weather was mostly sunny, but it was extremely windy. We went southeast of Belfast, down and around the Ards Peninsula. Bound on the east by the North Channel and on the west by Strangford Lough, it is a fertile, relatively flat land. Suzie read somewhere that at some time in the past the residents were offered extra incentives to build towers […]

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Hiking Around Belfast

We decided today to stay close to home, as I was tired of driving after our trek yesterday. Our destination was the Belfast Castle and Cave Hill Park, which is next to it. The weather forecast for Thursday on looks very bad, so we decided to take advantage of being able to be outside. The Belfast Castle is not really a castle at all, but rather a large, elaborate 19th-century […]

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Just As we Thought it Would Be

We just returned from a 9-hour trip to the Antrim coast and back. It was amazingly, stunningly, incredible beautiful and dramatic, just what we imagined Ireland would be like. Best of all, almost no rain, and lots of sun. Just lots of green, hundreds of shades of green, all of it lush and deep, dotted with thousands upon thousands of sheep and cows. Lots of narrow winding roads, and ancient […]

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“The Great Escape” — Our Evening with the IRA

For two people who are basically fairly conservative (personally, not necessarily politically), cautious, risk-averse, middle-of-the-road folks, Suzie and I often find ourselves in unusually odd, slightly dangerous-seeming places during our travels sometimes.   Last night was one of those, when we found ourselves in a hot, packed gymnasium in West Belfast with 300 or 400 highly partisan supporters of what was (and maybe is, I’m still learning this) the Irish […]

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Hunkering Down on a Cold Rainy Day

Our streak of no-rain days since we came to the U.K. ended today at nine — an amazing run, I think. But today is not just rain, it’s a full-fledged storm — cold, windy, and raw. Fortunately, the worst of it didn’t hit until about 3 this afternoon, so we were able to get out a bit this morning, and it’s kind of nice being forced into some down-time, sitting […]

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Why We are Up until Midnight

We have routinely been going to bed well after 11 p.m., which is unusual for us (we are usually early-to-bed and early-to-rise). The reason … we are way, way north, so the days here are incredibly long, particularly since today is the summer equinox, the longest day of the year. The map below shows how far north we are in relation to Santa Rosa (the latitude of this point is […]

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London Odds and Ends No. 1 — Stockwell Station Shooting Memorial

Shortly after the subway and bus bombings in London in the summer of 2005, the police shot and killed an unarmed Brazilian named Jean Charles de Menezes, a 24-year-old electrician, at the Stockwell underground station.  Although original press reports said the victim was killed in a terrorist operation, it soon became apparent that the dead man was innocent, and that his death was the result of mistaken identity. Stockwell is […]

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British Museum Pictures and Comments

As promised, here are some pictures from the British Museum, to give you a sense of its scale. If you are ever in London, the museum is a must. One of the more extraordinary rooms contained enormous Assyrian rock carvings depicting a lion hunt. The realism and detail of the work stand out. The sheer age of some of the artifacts is amazing. Here’s one that’s 6,000 years old. It […]

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