Category: Uncategorized

Our Day in Warwick was … Mint

Fun day Sundayt, took the train from the Marylebone Station (love that name, Marylebone) this morning and traveled to the small town of Warwick, to meet the family who will be renting our house in Santa Rosa this fall. They suggested the kids would like to visit Warwick Castle, which dates from 1068 (history and more information about the castle is here). We got up very early and were out […]

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Hey Cordel, I Found a New Sustainable Hand Dryer for You

At the London Science Museum, in the bathrooms, there are hand dryers that operate on the same principle as the drying element at the end of an automatic car wash. You push your wet hands all the way down, and then a very thin “blade” of hot air “strips” your hands of water as you pull them up and out. Not only cool in design, but unlike any other hand […]

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In London Tired but Happy

We had a long but uneventful trip, and I’m about to collapse into bed after being up for 32 hours straight, minus the fitful sleep (if you can call it that) on the airplane.  Highlights and comments in brief. 1.  The SFO International Terminal is wonderful.  We are always way too punctual, so we had 4 hours to kill, and it was a treat to walk around a space so […]

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On Our Way

We are on our way, finally.  I’m posting this from the Airporter bus, lurching through traffic on 101.  Nifty that provides free WiFi on the bus. We are exhausted and we’ve just started.  We seriously underestimated the amount of time it would take to finish everything we had to do before leaving, which included not just packing, but also getting the house in shape for visitors.  In my usual […]

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Ready to Screw Up on Day One

Barack Obama has to respond to Hillary Clinton’s continued assertion that her “experience” makes her a more suitable candidate for President. One way to do this is to examine her prior experience with one of the most prominent issues in this campaign, which is health care reform. As I remember it, Big Bloated Bill — newly elected and having a supportive Democratic Congress to work with — appointed Hillary Clinton […]

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Thirty-Four Percent

That’s Hillary Clinton’s percentage in the new Rasmussen poll in New Hampshire.  Her lead over Barack Obama is 10 percent and her lead over John Edwards is 19%.  But what strikes me most about the poll is that thirty-four percent figure.  If I were Ms. Clinton, I’d be worried about what happens when the number of Democratic contenders is reduced to, say, two.  In that scenario, how likely is it […]

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2 Feet of Snow on Spring Break

We went to Tahoe for 5 days over Spring Break, and spent two of them hunkered down in our cabin waiting out an incredible late winter storm. It dropped 25 inches of snow between Saturday and Sunday, with horrendous winds (60 mph on Saturday at the top of Alpine Meadows, which convinced us not to ski that day). It was fun in a way to be forced to stay in […]

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How Not to Grow a Blog

There weren’t many readers before, I suspect, and not posting for three weeks won’t increase their numbers. But boy do I have excuses … the kids, their homework, my work, French classes, bills, chores, etc. So, some updates: Regarding this post, sure enough, there has been a ton of heartbreak among Hawkeye fans. A painful 23-3 loss to in-state rival Iowa State (aka Moo U), followed by a crushing 31-6 […]

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My Mother’s Proof of the Existence of God

For those of you who enjoyed this post, you may also enjoy this proof of God’s existence, sent in response to the post via e-mail from my mother: “Your Mother believes in God, therefore He exists.” Hey, those Presbyterians have some fight in them! I will note, though, that I suspect that for a lot of people, this probably is an accurate proof. Thanks, Mom.

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