The Penultimate Post from Paris, with Pictures

On the next-to-the-last day today, here are some things we did: 1.  We came across our first flat-out crazy person.  He was a guy with a scruffy beard and old shoes without any laces sitting by himself in one of the “booths” on the Metro.  About a minute after we’d boarded, he suddenly, violently, and for no apparent reason kicked the seat opposite him, letting out a kind of low […]

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At a Loss for Words

I’ve been wanting to write a post that would summarize our time in Paris, succinctly and perfectly, but after several aborted attempts I’ve come to the conclusion that it will perhaps have to wait until after the return. We’re both still sitting around saying, “how are we going to go back?”, and I know that no one wants to hear that, the only proper response to it being, “Oh, mes […]

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“Lest you think I love everything about Paris….”

This is really silly, an annotated video I shot of myself a few weeks ago (not great camera work, I know, especially the big hand coming at the lens at the very end; I was trying to be inconspicuous). So upon my return to the States, when I am raving about such-and-such a wonderful thing in Paris, you can simply say, “Chatelet, Chatelet.” But, of course, Chatelet is also pictured […]

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That ‘Favorite Museum’ Thing — On Second Thought

Maybe I wouldn’t say that the Musée des Arts et Métiers is my favorite museum in Paris.  Suzie and I visited the Picasso Museum today, and afterwards I was thinking, of all the museums and exhibits I’ve been to in the last six months, which did I enjoy the most?  The answer sort of surprised me — the most enjoyable experience, perhaps because I wasn’t expecting anything from it, was […]

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My Favorite Museum in Paris

I took the bus today to my favorite museum in Paris, the wonderful and interesting Musee des Arts and Metiers in the Marais.  The fact that it’s my favorite museum probably proves that deep down (or maybe not so deep down) I’m a real nerd, as the museum is completely dedicated to the history of science and technology.  The museum contains the collection of the Conservatoire National des Arts et […]

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Down to Nine Days

Time is winding down here, but we still find things to love about Paris.  This weekend they were having a small Christmas market on the two blocks of Rue de Alésia east of our apartment, which consisted of stalls of vendors selling mostly delicious things to eat.  We went to the market on Sunday, and by the time we traversed the two blocks, we were no longer hungry, having tasted […]

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Le Laboratoire de Phonétic, Mon Cauchemar

So I returned, after my horrible first experience at the Phonetics Lab, for a second session, because I’d paid for it (mostly) but also because I thought maybe the second time would be more useful and not quite so discouraging. Wrong.  If anything, it was even worse. I was greeted this time by a friendly, vivacious, middle-aged woman whom I’ll call “D”, who asked me for the results of my […]

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Maybe It’s Time To Go Home

Today had to be the low point of my time in Paris.  Where to begin? Well, first of all, I’m getting sick, or am sick, or am fighting off sickness, I’m not quite sure which.  I’ve picked up Suzie’s cold, which makes me feel like I’m running at fifty percent.  This morning I woke up and my throat felt like sandpaper and I wondered how I could possibly get out […]

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