How Can Trumpers Defend Sheer Incompetence?

I have a question for Trumpers: Setting aside all political differences, don’t you think we should have a federal government that is competent? Shouldn’t we have a federal government capable of good management? What if the coronavirus had hit during the Obama years, and this was the graph of how well the Obama Administration had done in fighting it — would you still think everything was hunky-dory, or would you be screaming your lungs out?

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Desecrating the Flag for Trump

Title 4, Section 8 of the United States Code — federal law — is titled "Respect for the Flag." Trump and his supporters make a big deal out of respect for what Trump calls "our GREAT AMERICAN FLAG" (no need to yell, lay off the Caps Lock button for God’s sake). Surely Trump supporters — who excoriate athletes who kneel during the national anthem to protest racism — wouldn’t do […]

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Loving Caring People

Laugh-my-ass-off quote from Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale today in Politico: Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale played down concerns of a confrontation [at Trump’s upcoming Tulsa rally]. “I’ve been here since day one, and I found all Trump supporters to be really caring, loving people that care about this country,” he told Fox News. As to protesters who might come to Tulsa, Parscale said: The protesters, he argued, “want that […]

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Playing Tourist

Yesterday I had to vacate the house for three hours for cleaning, so I decided to drive to San Francisco to take pictures and play tourist. First stop, Treasure Island, which I thought would be a good place to take shots of the SF Skyline. For those who don’t know, Treasure Island is an artificial island built on the north side of Yerba Buena Island, which is located in the […]

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I Made a Photo Page with Gridsome, GraphQL, and the Flickr API

N.B.: You may also view this page on the new blog site. My adventures in front-end web development continue. I’m a WebDev rookie, and am progressing in the absolute wrong way, starting at the top with Gridsome and Vue, before having a good grasp of any of the three sisters (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) they’re built on. But I’m more motivated when I can directly see the results of what I’m […]

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These Strange Times

We are in our fifth week of living under the stay-at-home order issued in the Bay Area on March 16. Here are some observations about these strange times. Kensington is a Pretty Place to be Trapped Suzie in our Backyard For being stuck in one place, our new house isn’t bad. The neighborhood has lots of places to walk the dog, on quiet tree-lined streets through nice residential neighborhoods. There […]

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It’s a New (JAMstack) World Baby

[tl;dr – I created a new faster website for the SSS Blog more-or-less on my own. This post talks about why and how. Those not interested in a 10,000-foot overview of the web development world should skip this and wait for the next post.] Welcome to the new svelte SSS Blog. Why a new blog, when the existing one works fine? For the past six or seven years, I’ve been […]

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It’s a Wrap!

In the end, I just could’t vote for Bloomberg Super Tuesday’s here. Suzie and I are going to vote this morning at the Kensington Community Center. After the (somewhat embarrassing I’ll admit) post yesterday, watching and reading news coverage and posts from people I respect, an email from Pete, and a good night’s sleep, I realized I just can’t vote for Bloomberg. He’d make a perfectly adequate President, but I […]

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How to Vote Post-Pete

With my preferred candidate making a pragmatic, mature, take-one-for-the party decision to drop out of the race, Suzie and I have less than two days to decide who we’ll vote for in the California primary. It’s a tough nut to crack; we need a flow chart to follow all the possible permutations. I’m a moderate, pragmatic, center-left guy. I think Trump and his ilk are reprehensible and dangerous. Four more […]

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