A Vacation from Our Vacation from Our Vacation — Day One

We returned last night from what my son Andrew called a vacation (to the Mediterranean) from our vacation (to Toulouse) from our vacation (in Paris).  We left Wednesday morning and drove from Aigrefeulle to the beach between Gruissan and Narbonne-Plage.  For orientation, here’s a map showing the spots we visited (zoom in to get the details): The beach was very broad, and very relaxing and sunny, and not at all […]

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Surprised by Toulouse

We got a late start today because of the rain, which fortunately cleared off by late morning.  Since we’d driven the prior two days, we decided to keep close to home and visit Toulouse, which we had not yet seen.  It was an easy 15 minute drive to the Metro station (free parking, too) and a quick 15 minute tram ride into the older part of the city.  I had […]

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Castres and Burlats

A short post today … on Sunday we drove east to the city of Castres. It was pretty, located along a river, but absolutely dead on Sunday. There was a museum dedicated to Spanish art in general, and the painter Goya in particular, which was interesting (but hot). I think that Goya was a very disturbed man. After the museum, we had a short picnic and then traveled further east […]

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The Disappearing Cat

I mentioned previously that our housemate, a cat named Reglisse, kept us up the night before last by persistently mewing first outside of our bedroom window, then outside our bedroom door. To ensure that didn’t happen last night, we decided to lock him in the little room where his food and cat door are located, by blocking the cat door with several heavy objects. Since the room also contains the […]

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Soreze, as Promised

Our final destination was the small village of Soreze.  It is on a site dating from the 9th century, and contains many old buildings.  Unlike many villages, the streets in the older part have not been widened to accommodate automobiles, and thus walking through the village you can imagine that it looked more or less the same 200 or 300 years ago. Soreze was the site of an abbey which […]

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Revel; Bassin de St-Ferreol; Soreze

On rare occasions, you have a day that is just perfect, from beginning to end.  We had one of those today, which we really needed after the prior evening, which was an unpleasant manifestation of too-much-family-togetherness over the past month, and after our poor night’s sleep, thanks to the cat, which alternated sitting outside our window and mewing and sitting outside our bedroom door and mewing.  We would consider locking […]

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It’s Like Heaven for Us Here — Relaxing, Beautiful Countryside

We are staying in a little village close to Toulouse called which means “bitter” or “sour” (aigre) “leaf” (feuille), although we haven’t tasted any to confirm.  As noted yesterday, our house is large and comfortable, sited on a hill overlooking a small valley.  The view from the hill down: And the view from the valley up: For you Google Map fans (count me in), here’s a map showing the location […]

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A Quick Post from Near Toulouse

We’re very much enjoying being out of Paris and into the country again.  We are staying in a wonderful home in a small village outside of Toulouse.  The countryside reminds us very much of home — lavender and oleander, photinia, plum and apple trees, tomatoes.  The exception to the familiar feel are the nearly endless fields of sunflowers growing all around this area, plus the more general green-ness of the […]

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It’s Rough Here at Times, Part 2 (aka Our Petite Introduction to the French Medical System)

Yesterday started out as a glorious, glorious day in Paris.  It was sunny yet cool, and we all had French lessons planned (at 10, 12, 2, and 4).  Mine was at 10, and Andrew’s was a one-hour lesson starting at 12, so I waited for him by sitting in a cafe along Boulevard St. Germain, reading a magazine, drinking an espresso, eating a pain aux raisins, and watching the world […]

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It’s Rough Here at Times

We’ve entered that phase where we’ve shifted from being on vacation in Paris to living in Paris.  And living in Paris can be rough on us. Ever since the heat wave last week, I had been fighting an odd depression that I could not seem to shake, that seemed to grow and grow with the days.  It was a combination of being fed up with the noise, fed up with […]

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