Tightening the Belt (A Good Thing!)

This weekend I realized that I had to tighten my belt a notch — literally, not figuratively — because with all the walking around we’ve been doing, I have apparently lost a few pounds notwithstanding my consumption of baguettes, cheese, tarts, pain au lait (God help me if they had pain au lait easily available in the US; I would weigh pounds); non non-fat lattes with sugar; non non-fat milk, […]

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Suzie Almost Gets Picked; the Strange Metro Family; Chinatown in Paris

Strange goings-on last evening.  South of the Place d’Italie on the Avenue de Choisy is an area with lots of Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, Cambodian, etc. shops and restaurants.  The family with whom we picknicked at Parc Montsouris had recommended a couple of good Vietnamese restaurants in that area, so we made plans with the Fernando family to meet them at 7 at one of them. En route, we had two […]

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A Quick Morning Post and Pictures

Waiting for the coffee to kick in, here’s the report from Sunday. We slept in and lounged around in the morning, then gave the apartment a thorough cleaning, which it badly needed.  Suzie then took the boys and Fernando back to the Pariskate facility.  We met up again about 4 at the St. Placide Metro stop near Montparnasse.  One of the best things about Paris (especially for someone like me, […]

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Go Go Go Go Go

We find almost impossible to force ourselves to have down time.  It is too hard, when the whole city of Paris is out there, to stay in our apartment and rest, especially when even otherwise mundane tasks are exciting and novel — like returning something to FNAC, the big electronics/book store, which Suzie and I did on Friday afternoon — an experience which provided further evidence to my hypothesis that […]

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A Spanish Lunch, etc.

We were invited over to Fernando’s family’s apartment near the Place d’Italie today for a Spanish lunch, which we enjoyed very much, both the food and the company.  The food was excellent — appetizers consisting of bread with an olive-oil, garlic, and tomato spread; proscuitto and melon, and an absolutely delicious gazpacho soup; a main course consisting of a delicious, somewhat spicy combination of chicken, green and red peppers, onions, […]

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Assorted Happenings and a Ruling from the Conseil d’Etat

We’ve recovered from our late night out on Monday.  Tuesday it was back to the language school, and more disorganization.  Will wasn’t assigned to a class, the teacher for my class never showed up (although her replacement was excellent), the teacher for my class is different this week from the teacher last week, even though most of the class is the same, which I don’t understand, and the material seems […]

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Notre Amis Espagnoles

Travel is interesting in part because you never know what will come day-to-day.  The boys have made friends with a boy in their class from Madrid named Fernando.  The three of them have done a fair amount of hanging out together (and are, at this moment, out Velib-ing).  Yesterday evening, the boys wanted to get together with him again, so they made plans to meet him and his Dad at […]

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Vive le Velib!

Andrew and I took advantage today of a marvelous, marvelous service of the City of Paris, called Velib.  This is a system of several hundred stations, located throughout Paris, where you can pick up a bicycle, ride it to a destination, and leave it at another Velib station.  The cost is amazingly low — only one euro per day.  The only catch is that you must return the bike to […]

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Another Luscious Meal at Le Reminet

Suzie decided today to treat the boys (and herself and me, of course) to lunch out today and some very nice restaurant.  We decided to return to a restaurant called Le Reminet, at which, longtime readers of this blog will know from this post, we had eaten during our first trip to Paris.  So after a leisurely morning sleeping in and lounging around the apartment, we took the Metro to […]

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