Pictures Added

Pictures from yesterday have been added. It is 9:30 in the morning and we are still just getting awake. It is going to take us awhile to get used to the city sounds, especially the ambulances and police cars, which go by at 10-minute intervals, with their European siren sound, a little like a donkey (heeee [high] haaaaaaa [lower], heeeee – haaaaaa). But very early in the morning, at 2 […]

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Nous sommes arrivees a Paris….

We are finally here, after a long, long, long trip.  It seems a bit unreal.  As I told Suzie, I don’t think it will really hit me for a week or so. Our trip began yesterday in Greenisland, where after finishing our cleaning of our house, we made our way to the Greenisland railroad station with an ungodly amount of baggage.  They were doing work on the station, so we […]

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Our Visit to the Northern Ireland Assembly (Thank You Barry McElduff)

We just got back from a fascinating couple of hours (fascinating anyway for political junkies like me and Suzie) at the Northern Ireland Assembly in Stormont, courtesy of MLA (Member of the Legislative Assembly) Barry McElduff and our home exchange partner, Jude Collins, who arranged the meeting). Barry McElduff is a member of Sinn Fein and a former IRA prisoner.  He is a gracious, energetic, entertaining man who seems to […]

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Back from Bundoran … With Pictures!

We arrived back from our excellent trip to the west coast of Ireland at about 6 this evening, after a long three-and-a-half hour drive from Bundoran.  As you can probably tell from my earlier post, we were very happy to have made this particular side trip.  The places we went were interesting and different, and the people we met were uniformly nice. First stop on Sunday was the city of […]

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Blog Stat Observation

The WordPress site has a limited suite of statistics you can see for your blog, including total views per day.  I’ve noticed that rather consistently the number of visits is consistently higher during the week, and drops off on the weekend.  To me this says that my readers are happy enough to take a look at my posts on work time, but not interested enough to fire up their own […]

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Surf City Ireland

We’ve had a great day today.   We were up and out (relatively) early, made a quick-seeming traffic-free drive to Derry, where we walked around the city walls, ate lunch, got cheap and delicious hot chocolates, tea, and latte at, of all places, a McDonalds in a modern mall right outside the old city walls (it was the only place open at 11:30 a.m. on Sunday morning).  From there, we had […]

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Nuggets I’ve Missed

In my haste to make sure I post every day, I realize that there are many interesting or notable things we did that haven’t yet made it into the blog. So, in no particular order, here are a few nuggets that I’ve missed so far (this will also make up for the fact that the next two days will be post-free): The Boys Buy Dinner in Ballycastle:  For some reason, […]

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Coming — Smaller (But Full) Pictures

I realized today that those of you viewing the blog on a screen with a horizontal resolution of less than 1280 pixels (including those using the very common size of 1024 x 768) will have the right side of my posted photos cut off by the browser. Rather than asking you all to change your screen resolutions, I’ll be posting smaller pictures, which will allow you all to see all […]

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