In London Tired but Happy

We had a long but uneventful trip, and I’m about to collapse into bed after being up for 32 hours straight, minus the fitful sleep (if you can call it that) on the airplane.  Highlights and comments in brief. 1.  The SFO International Terminal is wonderful.  We are always way too punctual, so we had 4 hours to kill, and it was a treat to walk around a space so […]

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On Our Way

We are on our way, finally.  I’m posting this from the Airporter bus, lurching through traffic on 101.  Nifty that provides free WiFi on the bus. We are exhausted and we’ve just started.  We seriously underestimated the amount of time it would take to finish everything we had to do before leaving, which included not just packing, but also getting the house in shape for visitors.  In my usual […]

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No Grace, No Perspective, No Class, No Clue

I have watched with fascination and repulsion as Hillary Clinton and her smarmy, thug-like spokesmen (yes, men; don’t you think it’s odd that all of her main mouthpieces are men?) continue to fight on and on and on in a cause that is almost certainly lost, apparently content to risk harming the Democrats ultimate nominee for an increasingly tiny chance at victory.  If it wasn’t clear before, it is now […]

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Ready to Screw Up on Day One

Barack Obama has to respond to Hillary Clinton’s continued assertion that her “experience” makes her a more suitable candidate for President. One way to do this is to examine her prior experience with one of the most prominent issues in this campaign, which is health care reform. As I remember it, Big Bloated Bill — newly elected and having a supportive Democratic Congress to work with — appointed Hillary Clinton […]

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At Home in the Slime

Warning, warning … very catty remark ahead. Those easily offended may wish to stop now. At the gym this morning I was half-watching CNN, without headphones, which meant that I was relying on the pictures and the subtitles for the deaf, so what follows may not be what actually was said. Hillary Clinton was at some rally talking about the one job that she thought really prepared her to be […]

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You Call this Art?!?

One of my hobbies (of sorts) is photography. Although I don’t seem to find the time to shoot enough, and am not particularly creative either, the advent of digital photography allows me to combine photography with my techo-nerd side. Two wonderful completely free programs for imaging are the GIMP and a GIMP plugin called Mathmap. GIMP is a sort of open-source Photoshop. Mathmap is a program that allows you to […]

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More on Conservatives and Liberals

As a follow up to this post, the one of the study’s researchers published this commentary today. Among his conclusions: Liberals place a high value on individual autonomy and decision-making. Individuals are expected to internalize the norms of their culture and do the right thing on a case-by-case basis after thinking about it. This strategy can be highly successful but can also be costly in the time required for information […]

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