Playing into Bush’s Hands

Every time an article like this appears, or like this; and every time left-leaning blogs post stories like this (“the big one”?), or like this; every time a second of media airtime, an inch of print, or an ounce of effort goes into excoriating Alberto Gonzales, George Bush is thrilled. Just like I said four months ago, Democrats are squandering their political capital by continuing to make this such a […]

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Apologies to the Ladies in the Waukesha Perkins

After my last post, I remembered that we did meet once perfectly charming group of Brewers fans, three lovely and engaging young ladies in the booth next to us at the Perkins off of I-94 in Waukesha (I think), where we had stopped to engage in our last fried-food hurrah of the trip. They were pleasant and nice and interested in the fact that we’d come all the way to […]

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Bad Experience with Milwaukee Brewers Fans

  After a great experience in Wrigley Field, in which we thoroughly enjoyed almost all our interactions with the Chicago Cub fans, my boys and I attended two Giants-Brewers games in Miller Park in Milwaukee. What I’m going to say is no doubt a gross generalization, based upon a too-small sample size, but as far as we could tell, most Brewers fans were crude, dumb, loud, obnoxious, unfriendly, and xenophobic […]

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So Different in Madison

We are staying with our friends Marcy and Randy Boyd in their home on the east side of Madison, and as usual I’m struck by the differences between the Midwest and California. Most prominent is the fact that there is so much land here; it doesn’t feel like everything is so crowded and pinched together. An example: While Randy and Marcy were at work Friday morning, we took their dog […]

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Wild Day in Wrigley Field

We saw the Giants-Cubs game yesterday at Wrigley Field, a wild game that featured radical weather changes, the Giants giving away runs like a Little League team (at least 4 Cubs runs scored that shouldn’t have, the difference in the ball game), two Barry Bonds homers (one crushed out of the park, the second to almost-dead center against a ferocious wind), but with the same old result, a 9-8 Giants […]

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Why Twelve Tones?

What, you thought I was gone forever? Here is a fascinating article about why it is that most music — in a wide variety of cultures and places, including Western music — is based upon the familiar 12-tone system. According the article, "when the sounds of speech are looked at with a spectrum analyzer, the relationships between the various frequencies that a speaker uses to make vowel sounds correspond neatly […]

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Sarkozy Wins … Why Can’t We Get Candidates Like These?

My wife and I watched most of the French Presidential debate between Nicolas Sarkozy and Segolene Royal last week, and although I can’t say we understood all (or even most) of it, we were struck by how different the Sarkozy/Royal debate was to the Presidential debates here in the U.S. Seated across from each other at a table, with a running clock to ensure both had the opportunity to speak […]

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Another Blast from the Past

Yet another old picture, this one of me and my college roommate, Scott Honsey, and his wife Julie, in Des Moines in 1981 at my friend Boyd’s second wedding: This took place in the winter of 81-82, and I drove to Des Moines from Ithaca with my girlfriend Nancy in my very deficient 1976 VW Dasher (remember those?), leaving in the early evening and driving all night. Nancy was driving […]

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Oh My Goodness Was I Ever That Young?

I was looking through an old book the other day, and stuck inside was this, a picture of me and Dennis Fitzgibbon, taken in 1974, at the Rettenmaier trailer north of Burlington, Iowa, when I was seventeen: It is hard for me to comprehend that I was only 3 years older in this picture than my oldest son is now. He’s just a kid, and I was so mature and […]

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Congressional Dems Disappoint

I just can’t get too fired up over the latest ‘scandal’ involving the forceable ouster of several U.S. Attorneys.  Although I think it was a bad idea for a number of reasons, the bottom line is that the replacement of political appointees for political reasons just doesn’t fire me up.   Nor does another example of the incompetence of the Bush administration.  I do believe that point has been more than […]

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