Heartbreak Dead Ahead

It’s almost football season, and that means the SSSBlog will be living and dying each Saturday with the Univ. of Iowa Hawkeye football team. During my time in Iowa City they went 3-8, 3-8, 5-6, 5-6, and 2-9 … ah, those were the good old days. But the past three years they’ve finished in the top ten nationally, and last year in their last game they beat defending champion L.S.U. […]

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Intelligent Design and The Anthropic principle

More follow up to the earlier post on intelligent design: The New York Times published this article today discussing the substantive arguments made by the proponents of intelligent design. Also, the fundamental idea isn’t new. Various forms of the so-called “anthropic principle” have been around for many years. The principle tries to answer the question of why so many fundamental physical constants in our universe are precisely what they have […]

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Grump Wants His Own Blog

Give somebody a post, and all of a sudden they want everything their own way. My friend the Grumpy Moderate is feeling too big for his breeches and has decided he needs his own damned Blog. Well OK then. His political/current events comments will migrate to a new blog, The Grumpy Moderate. My less serious, more eclectic posts will remain here on SSSBlog. He was already getting on my nerves, […]

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Intelligent Design Follow-Up

Inspired, no doubt, but the Grumpy Moderate’s views on “intelligent design,” the New York Times published today this article about the funding origins of the movement. Kudos to the professor at my old school, the University of Iowa, quoted in the article, who while apparently believing in “intelligent design,” makes the same point as the Grumpy Moderate in his post yesterday: “They’re interested in the same things I’m interested in […]

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The Grumpy Moderate, Post No. 1: Intelligent Design

I introduce my readers today to a new character: The Grumpy Moderate. The Grumpy Moderate is a guy (apologies to my female readers, but he’s a guy) who views the news through a pane of skepticism. He’s pretty bright, but thinks that intelligence is overrated. The Grumpy Moderate loves science, though. He likes to parse through the b.s., dislikes dogma and extremism, loathes pretense, likes pragmatism, and is highly suspicious […]

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France Declares War on Bullfrogs

From IOL. (Local Sonoma County angle: Bullfrogs are one of the preditors of the California tiger salamander, an endangered species whose habitat is the Santa Rosa Plain. Perhaps someday we can form a local bullfrog militia.) Le Haillan, France – Picture this: French hunters stealing out at night in pairs, one with a torch to light up the eyes of their prey, the other armed with a .22 calibre rifle […]

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“All that I do not have bone to say to you….”

My French friend Laurence loaned me some contemporary French music from her library, and I’ve been listening to it in the car this past week. I finally decided to go on line to see if I could find lyrics, only some of which (very little, in truth) I could make out. I found a few lyric sites, and to get an overview of the gist of them, I ran them […]

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Hey Google, Get on the Stick

I’m so proud … the SSSBlog is now in the Yahoo and Alta Vista search databases. So if you were to do a search for anything, SSSBlog would also be searched. Thus a search for “Molsberry’s” (the local market in Larkfield) and “cheese” would turn up an entry comparing cheese prices and selection in Paris and Santa Rosa. But my favorite search engine, Google, is lagging behind. It has not […]

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Please Use the Blog’s Best Feature

One of the best features of any blog, including the SSSBlog, is the comment function. Anyone can leave a comment on any post by clicking on the title. The idea is to engage the bloggor and the reader-bloggees in an on-line conversation. Now I grant that many of my recent posts didn’t perhaps lend themselves to comments (Dear SSSBlog: It would take only 275 cans of Diet Pepsi to kill […]

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OK, I’ll Jump in the Pool — Thoughts on Cindy Sheehan

Cindy Sheehan, as you likely know, is the mother of a child killed in the Iraq war, who has set up a campsite outside of George Bush’s Texas ranch in order to get a meeting with him. This is a serious post mostly, but I have to begin by saying that whenever I read anything about this subject, I never see “Cindy Sheehan,” I always see “Cindy Crawford.” No doubt […]

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