Best for Last

We have had a request for more detailed descriptions of the food here, and today is a good day to fill that request, because we had the best meal we have had since we’ve been in Paris. It was a very reasonable fixed price menu of 13 euros at a restaurant called Le Reminent on the wonderfully-named Rue des Grandes Degres (sorry, Blogger doesn’t do accents), roughly across from Notre […]

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Down to Two Days

We are regretting very much that our time in Paris is almost at an end. Today was a great day, blue sunny skies, a mild wind, and cool. We slept in and left the apartment at 10, having no absolutely set plans, but thinking of going to the Musee d’Orsay, the famous impressionist museum. It was so nice and sunny outside that we waffled on going, but when we got […]

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Sad Commentary on Need for Caffeine

We solved the mystery of why we all felt so blah yesterday at Versailles. We usually have our coffee 1/2 decaf and 1/2 regular, but yesterday my mom dumped a whole box of straight decaf into the container from which we make coffee. So unknown to us all, we didn’t have our normal morning fix. Let’s see … low grade headache: Check … irritability: Check … fatigue: Check. Sad, but […]

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I Agree — Off with their Heads

We took the train to Versailles today. Maybe because we are all feeling a bit worn down (I was tired and had a low grade headache, and we’d gotten up extra early), we just couldn’t deal with the tour of the Chateau. Ungodly numbers of tourists, dark stuffy interiors mostly, and the famous Hall of Mirrors was undergoing renovation and thus all under wraps. So it was a downer, not […]

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Translation Wanted

The explanation for this strange thing: is apparently contained here: Sorry we didn’t get it all, but could some of our better-French speaking correspondents please post the translation of what we did get? Merci. Added 2 August 2005: Thanks to Paul Kay for this translation, which we have confirmed from the highest sources is accurate and “exactly the story.” Too bad we didn’t take a picture of the whole sign, […]

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Montmartre, Gare St. Lazare, and Au Printemps

We decided over the weekend to cancel the car trip to Normandy we had planned. Given how exhausting the drive was from Germany to Paris, and the hassles with the car, and the work of packing and unpacking everything yet again, and the constant news reports about how packed and slow the highways are because of the beginning of the vacation period (for some, and apparently the end for others), […]

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Random Comments

Random thoughts after two weeks in Paris…. (1) We have been surprised at the disparity among the cost of various items when compared to their relative cost in the United States. Some things are much more expensive: gasoline, of course (I had the pleasure of a $110 fill-up during the trip to Luxembourg), but also clothing (particularly men’s shirts, for some reason; common white cotton dress shirts run about $55 […]

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No Rose Line in St. Sulpice

My mother wanted to hear a free organ concert in a cathedral called St. Sulpice today. The concert (really just a mini-recital or something, it lasted about 25 minutes) was very good, the same sort of experience we had in the other church, with the huge organ pipes echoing sound all up and through the vast stone space. But unknown to (or unremembered by) me was the fact that St. […]

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Shop Shop Shop

Today was our day to hit the stores. We took the Metro to Place de la Bastille, then walked around (delayed by several downpours) the Place des Vosges, where Suzie bought several prints, then walked to the Marais, where we found the best deal we’ve found so far in Paris for lunch, at a place called La Locandiera — an excellent satisfying lunch for 5, including coffees, for 25 euros. […]

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Museums, Hospitality, Lightning, and Thunder

The last two days were the most relaxed we’ve had. On Friday, we split up because Suzie and my mom wanted to shop. In the morning I took the boys to the Musee des Arts et Metiers, which contains exhibits about the invention of various things. Housed in a handsome cathedral built between the 11th and 13th centuries, it was very well done, displaying the artifacts according to various themes […]

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