The Expected and the Unexpected

Yesterday we did things that you’d expect tourists in Paris to do: We visited St. Chapelle (noted for its stained glass; it was beautiful, but somehow not quite as spectacular as I expected), climbed the towers of Notre Dame (the boys and I anyway, more on this later), and toured the Luxembourg Garden (by far the most beautiful spot in Paris, in my opinion). Our day started out, as it […]

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Nana and the Children Disappear

You’ve heard about the cows, you’ve heard about the diabolical elevators, now here’s another one…. The trip back from Freudenstadt was very long and tiring. We had hoped to stop en route at Nancy, but it was overcast and intermittently raining, and we weren’t going as quickly as we had hoped (we weren’t on the tollways, so it was slower going). By the time we arrived in Paris (the last […]

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The Louvre

We spent most of Wednesday at the Lourve. It took us six hours to see a tiny fraction of what’s there. I focused on older stuff, because I find that more interesting that froo-froo 18th century neo-classical French stuff (sorry if I’ve offended anybody). So the boys and I spent most of our time in the Egyptian, Mesopotamian, and Medieval sections. Those sections weren’t too crowded, but parts of it […]

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Strange Industrial Wild Tech in a Little Town

Catching up again. Our visit to Freudenstadt was mostly very pleasant, but was marred by someone vandalising the car we were borrowing from our French family. Someone put a long dent (but somehow, didn’t scratch the paint) on the passenger side. When we saw it we were sick about it, and remained that way for 3-4 days. Fortunately the French family was very good about it; they said that it […]

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Backwards in Time — Strasbourg

We’ve been doing such long days here that it’s been difficult for me to catch up on posts regarding the side trip we took. So I thought I’d briefly hit the remaining highlights and lowlights. Last Friday we drove from Luxembourg to Freudenstadt in the Black Forest in Germany. En route we stopped in Strasbourg, which was very, very beautiful. Right in the middle of the old part of the […]

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