Beautiful, Beautiful, Beautiful

I’ve still two posts to do on our trip to Germany … some very funny things happened there and on the way back … but I’m tired of blogging tonight and want to post what we did today. We eventually got out of the house around 10 (we were tired from our long travel day yesterday). We took the Metro to the Louvre stop, then walked all the way up […]

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Luxembourg … Other than the Cows

Before our cow incident (below) we spent the day in Luxembourg. A nice, clean, modern, wealthy city. We had a very nice day in the old part of the city, and walking around the old city walls. We also had a good visit with Suzie’s friend and her family, who were very, very hospitable. The best moment was when we happened in an old church just as someone was practicing […]

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Des Vaches Sauvages de Flaxweiler

Suzie’s friend Stacie lives with her husband, a Finn (she is a teacher, he is a translator for the EU), in a village northeast of Luxembourg. It is in the middle of an agricultural area, and there is a working (and wonderfully smelly) farm just at the end of their road. Their house is one of several on a new street, the encroachment of Luxembourgish suburbia into the countryside. It […]

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Chalons en Champagne and Detours

Our first day out of Paris we drove to Luxembourg. On the way, we got off of the autoroute randomly at a town called Chalons en Champagne (sorry I can’t make this make accent marks). This was a pretty, but very down-home, town with half-timbered buildings and what appeared to be a very ancient (somewhat decrepit) church with cool gargoyles. Pictures follow. We found our way to the busiest restaurant […]

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Back in Paris

We are back in Paris again after what has seemed like a very long trip. We saw a lot and did a lot and had a least one very bizarre thing happen to us. I’m going to break up the excursion into days, just to keep things straight. I’m dead tired after 8 hours of driving (culminating in excruciating stop-and-go traffic in Paris and weirdness in the parking garage of […]

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Rodin and Rifles

Today we experienced clashing museums — the Rodin museum in the morning, the Museum of the Army in the afternoon. The Rodin museum was interesting, set in a lovely large formal garden. Like most good museums, there was really too much to take in in one visit (at least with the boys along) … and that was with part of it being closed because too many of the staff were […]

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Too Tired

I just accidentally deleted an entire post I had just drafted, with uploaded pictures to boot. We’re all out of adrenaline, especially Andrew, who didn’t sleep a minute on the plane. So here’s the 10-second version of today: Took the Metro to the Latin Quarter; had an excellent lunch; walked to and toured Notre Dame; had ice cream; took the Metro home; drafted blog; uploaded pictures; deleted the whole thing. […]

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Qwerty Oh Qwerty Where Art Thou?

I had heard, but forgotten, that keyboards aren’t universal. The one I’m using now is not a standard “querty” keyboard. The A is where the Q should be, the Q is where the A should be, the comma is where the M should be, and most weirdly, the period is where the comma should be, but you have to shift to make it. I reset the computer settings to make […]

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