Tag: Democratic Primary

Accidentally Revealing a Truth

A late-model SUV was parked this afternoon in the driveway of our neighbor two houses up the hill. On its rear end was a bumper sticker that said: Bernie Sanders 2020Because F**k this S**t And there you have it, a truth accidentally revealed. Supporting Sanders not because of any expectation that his campaign promises will come to pass if he’s elected (there being a near-zero chance they’d ever get through […]

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Dems Should Remain Open to Going to the Bench

If Bernie Sanders (or my preferred candidate, Pete Buttigieg) doesn’t win more than 50% of the Democratic Party’s delegates, it opens the door to an open convention, where delegates would be free to select a candidate other than the one to whom they were committed before. I read an opinion piece this morning claiming that an “open” convention would as a practical matter have to nominate one of the candidates […]

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