Tag: “hillary clinton


From Paris, John McCain’s selection of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin seems bizarre.  Step back from the moment-to-moment campaign jostling and ask this question:  You are John McCain.  You think you will be elected President.  Who do you want as your V.P?  You’d think that the independent, strong, leader McCain would step up to the plate and give us someone just as solid and substantial as he is, someone who he […]

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No Grace, No Perspective, No Class, No Clue

I have watched with fascination and repulsion as Hillary Clinton and her smarmy, thug-like spokesmen (yes, men; don’t you think it’s odd that all of her main mouthpieces are men?) continue to fight on and on and on in a cause that is almost certainly lost, apparently content to risk harming the Democrats ultimate nominee for an increasingly tiny chance at victory.  If it wasn’t clear before, it is now […]

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At Home in the Slime

Warning, warning … very catty remark ahead. Those easily offended may wish to stop now. At the gym this morning I was half-watching CNN, without headphones, which meant that I was relying on the pictures and the subtitles for the deaf, so what follows may not be what actually was said. Hillary Clinton was at some rally talking about the one job that she thought really prepared her to be […]

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Hillary Writes McCain Ad

I wonder sometimes if Hillary Clinton’s campaign actually thinks about what it’s doing before it does it. A beautiful new example of this was reported today — a new ad, ostensibly targeting Obama, which according to ABC News, goes like this: “It’s 3:00am and your children are asleep,” a voice over says in the ad entitled “Children”. “There’s a phone in the White House, and it’s ringing. Something is happening […]

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Tonight’s Debate — Edge to Obama

I was able to watch the debate tonight live, and both candidates performed well, and both came across as informed and competent. But since competence is Ms. Clinton’s keystone, a confidence tie means the edge in this one goes to Obama on that score. Add to that a couple of ridiculous, almost sophomoric moments from Ms. Clinton — the first one her unbelievable plaint about supposedly always being asked the […]

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Couldn’t Have Said it Better Myself

Than did Andrew Sullivan of the Atlantic in this post today. With Hillary Clinton stressing her experience and her constant refrain of being “ready on day one,” he asks what we’ve learned about Ms. Clinton’s abilities during this campaign: Clinton is a terrible manager of people. Coming into a campaign she had been planning for, what, two decades, she was so not ready on Day One, or even Day 300. […]

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I Can Almost Feel Sorry for Hillary, But Then….

Ten straight victories for Barack Obama, including a 58% to 41% shellacking in Wisconsin, have left me feeling, well, almost sorry for Hillary Clinton. Unlike Big Bloated Bill, who I always thought lucked into the 1992 Presidency with weak competition in the Democratic primary (quick, name two other candidates — extra credit for those of you who came up with our own current AG Jerry Brown; the others were equally […]

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