Tag: Iowa

From the High Ground Cafe

A couple of trips back, I found this very comfortable coffee shop called the High Ground Cafe in Iowa City. Reasonable prices (in the greater scheme of things), free wifi (de rigueur these days), nice open, modern space, with a fireplace going in the winter (a real draw now, with the temperature at 24 degrees and the wind blowing at about 20 mph). I’m sitting by the door, so I […]

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Walking a Little Taller, Feeling a Lot Prouder

Our internet connection was down today, and I was operating on 3 hours sleep, so the complete post of our amazing, wonderful election night in Paris (including goofy and wonderful video) will have to wait until tomorrow.  But I will tell you that I was very, very proud to be an American today.  I can tell you that the French view of America and Americans has changed. I can tell […]

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