Tag: Politics

The Press Needs Some Lipstick

From Paris, the recent “controversy” over Barack Obama’s “lipstick on a pig” remark looks just plain stupid, as does, frankly, the hand-wringing over the co-called Sarah Palin “phenomenon.” As for the former, you can only view the statement one of two ways — either Barack Obama innocently used an expression he’s used before (as has John McCain), or he used it intentionally as a reference to Palin’s statement at the […]

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Obama by a Landslide

In France, that is … a poll published today by Le Figaro indicates that if the U.S. Presidential election were held today in France, Obama would win … by 80% to 8%!  The article notes that a similar poll in Great Britain shows Obama ahead 49% to 12% (the rest were in pubs and unavailable for comment), and that polls in India and Kenya show Obama with leads of 9% […]

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McCain Uncorks a Good One

We were able to watch John McCain’s acceptance speech a day after he gave it, courtesy of the l’Assemblee Nationale and the Senat, which have a TV channel something like C-SPAN, and which broadcast the speech in its entirety (overdubbed, of course, by a translation in French).  It was a bit difficult to listen to, because I found myself trying to do multiple things all at once — listen in […]

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Inadvertently Funny Palin Quote

Our potential next Vice President, via Associated Press: The first-term Alaska governor told reporters she was having fun in her new role. “It’s great to see another part of the country,” she said. Yep, running for Vice President is a great way to learn all about the USA. You know that old trick reporters sometimes play, where they ask candidates to name the Prime Minister of some foreign country?  Here’s […]

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From Paris, John McCain’s selection of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin seems bizarre.  Step back from the moment-to-moment campaign jostling and ask this question:  You are John McCain.  You think you will be elected President.  Who do you want as your V.P?  You’d think that the independent, strong, leader McCain would step up to the plate and give us someone just as solid and substantial as he is, someone who he […]

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