We Made It

We had a completely uneventful trip (plane on time, no hassles) except for a couple of things. First, my mom, with the bionic knee, set off the alarms at security and so had to undergo a complete personalized screening. When we arrived in Paris, the French family staying in our house had arranged for a shuttle to meet us at the airport. It was about 30 minutes late, and when […]

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How to Post Comments

To post comments, you can either click on the post heading (here “How to Post Comments”) or (although this is counterintuitive) you can also click on the link that says “no comment” (or “1 comment” if one comment has been posted). Doing either will take you to a page where you can post a comment. The envelope icon doesn’t have anything to do with posting comments.  [Updated 3/07 — This […]

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The Jet Lag Diet — Arrrrggghhh

Suzie and I are following the “Jet Lag Diet” supposedly developed by the Argonne National Laboratory to ameliorate the effects of jet lag. It involves a day of “feasting” (high protein breakfast and lunch, high carbo dinner) followed by a day of fasting (no more than 400-700 calories a day), then feasting, then fasting on the travel day, and beginning a “feast” day at the time it’s breakfast time at […]

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A Little Less Wild

For years the parcel behind our house has been vacant. We came to think of it as ours, even though we knew it wasn’t, and knew that someday it would get built on. That’s now happened. Although mostly I think that people should be able to do whatever they want to do with their property, and although I don’t begrudge the new owner the right to build on a parcel […]

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REM’s Around the Sun

As a REM fan/fanatic since 1982, the last few offerings since the departure of drummer Bill Berry have been disappointing. Up seemed like an odd experiment that went sideways (too much techo-instrumentation and overly restrained Stipe vocals). Reveal was better, with stronger songwriting and a more let-it-rip feel. I was wondering where the band would go with its latest CD, Around the Sun. For the first few listens, I confess […]

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